dutch version
EXHIBITIONS among others
among others

Jacques was born in Eindhoven in 1936
He passed away in Eindhoven in 2000
1955 - 1956
: Academy of Plastic Arts of Tilburg, The Netherlands
1956 - 1957 : National Higher
Institute of Antwerp, Belgium
1957 - 1958 : Kokoschka
Schule of Salzburg, Austria
1960 - 1961 : Study in Paris,
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1957 :
Cultural Award of the City of Eindhoven
1958 :
Oskar Kokoschka-Award in Salzburg, Austria
Oskar Kokoschka's note on Slegers's painting:
"Excellent, you paint like a tiger"
1960 :
Scholarship on behalf of the French government to study in
1962 :
Royal Subsidy for the art of painting
(invited to Amsterdam by Queen Juliana)
1963 :
Cultural Award because of 'Oisterwijk 750 jaar Stadsrechten'
1965 :
Royal Subsidy for the art of painting
(invited to Soestdijk by Queen Juliana, accompanied by Jan
Dibbets and
Jaap v.d. Pol)
1966 - 1967:
Stay in Switzerland
(invited by Swiss Casa Bick Foundation of Luzern)
1968 - 1969:
Stay in South France (Murs, Vaucluse)
(invited by Kroller-Muller Foundation "La Maison Jaune")
1985 :
Brunel Award for the renovation of the Amsterdam Central Station
(under the direction of Mr. Markenhof, engineer)
1986 - 1987:
Stay in Switzerland, invited by the Swiss authorities of San
Abbondio, Lago Maggiore, (Ticino)
1993 :
Stay in Japan (Tokyo-Osaka-Kobe-Nagoya-Aichi-Toyohasi-Hiroshima)
scholarship on behalf of the municipal of Eindhoven
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EXHIBITIONS among others
1957 - 1969:
1957 - National Higher Institute of Antwerp, Belgium
1957 - De Krabbedans of Eindhoven (with reference to the Cultural
Award of the
City of Eindhoven) (opened by Theo van Eupen)
1958 - Municipal Van Abbemuseum of Eindhoven (with reference
to the
Kokoschka- Award of Salzburg)
1960 - Mission Hollandaise of Paris
1961 - Gallery Den Doofpot of Eindhoven
1965 - Gallery Slegers of Eindhoven (opened by Tito Cruls)
1966 - Gallery De Sfinx of Amsterdam (opened by Henk Tenkink)
1966 - Gallery La Cittadella of Ascona, Switzerland (with
1966 - Municipal Theatre of Tilburg (at the initiative of
Domien van Gent)
1966 - Art-trader Troutsaerte of Westdorpe, Zeeland (invited
by Rie Bruins)
1967 - Brabantse Kunst-Foundation of Tilburg
1967 - Gallery Pluymen of Nijmegen (opened by Maarten Beks)
1967 - De Krabbedans of Eindhoven (opened by Gerard Knuvelder)
1967 - Art-trader Troutsaerteí of Westdorpe, Zeeland
1967 - Kritzraedhuis of Sittard (opened by Professor K. Sarneel)
1967 - Vara Studios of Hilversum (opened by Nol Gregoor)
1968 - Gallery Du Midi of The Hague (opened by Rob van Tour)
1968 - Gallery De Jong-Bergers of Maastricht (opened by Jules
1968 - Gallery Nemelaer of Haaren (opened by Frans Duister)
1968 - Gallery De Sfinx of Amsterdam (drawings)
1968 - Municipal Museum of Weert (opened by H. Persoon, alderman)
1968 - Art-centre Caryatide of Brussels (opened by Willy Juwet)
1968 - Art-trader Troutsaerte of Westdorpe, Zeeland
1969 - Art-centre Prinsentuin of Leeuwarden
1969 - Art-centre Pictura of Groningen (opened by the manager
of Het
Groninger Museum)
1969 - Gallery of the department store of Vroom en Dreesman
of Eindhoven
(at the initiative of Rob de Stigter)
1970 - 1979:
1971 - Gallery Den Oyenvaar of Oirschot (opened by Father
Leopold Verhagen)
1973 - Gallery Micro of Oosterhout (opened by Henk Egbers)
1974 - Head-office of the Mars-factory of Veghel
1975 - Gallery Den Oyenvaar of Oirschot (opened by Frans Duister)
1979 - Head-office of the ABN-AMRO-Bank of Eindhoven
1979 - Municipal Theatre De Lievenkamp of Oss
1979 - Municipal Museum De Tiendschuur of Weert (opened by
Jules Kockelkoren)
1980 - 1989:
1980 - Munucipal Museum De Pronkkamer of Uden (opened by Urias
1980 - Gallery Bank van Parijs en de Nederlanden of Antwerp
(opened by Professor Marcel van Jole)
1980 - Municipal Museum Int Heyderadey of Roosendaal
(opened by Mr. Schneider, mayor of Roosendaal)
1981 - Municipal Museum of Woerden (opened by Marco Fellinger)
1981 - Gallery of the department store De Bijenkorf of Eindhoven
1981 - Municipal Museum of Roermond (review from 1952 up to
1982 - Gallery Segeren of Breda (musical intermezzo by Els
en Frans Knaaven)
1982 - Vara Studios of Hilversum (opened by Urias Nooteboom)
1983 - Municipal Museum Het Kritzraedhuis of Sittard (opened
by Louis van Gasteren)
1983 - Gallery Wanda Reiff of Hulsberg (opened by Hans Redeker)
1984 - Gallery Nemerlaer of Haaren (opened by Louis van Gasteren)
1984 - Eindhoven Airport (at the inauguration of the airport
by Prince Claus)
1985 - Gallery Nanky de Vreeze of Amsterdam (musical intermezzo
by Vera Beths)
1985 - Veronica Studios of Hilversum
1986 - Gallery De Pook of Hengelo (in conjunction with Wim
Rijvers, sculptor)
1988 - Markiezenhof of Bergen op Zoom (opened by Jan Dijker)
1989 - Gallery De Pook of Hengelo
1989 - Head-office of the RABO-Bank Nederland of Utrecht
1990 - 1999:
1990 - Municipal Museum Int Heyderadey of Roosendaal (opened
by Maarten Beks)
1990 - Hogeschool van Eindhoven (opened by Jos Liebens Ph.D.)
1991 - The Vincent van Gogh-Centre of Zundert (opened by Ernest
van Buynder)
1993 - Consulate of Kobe, Japan (invited by Joris - Ineke
Witkam, the consul of Japan)
1998 - Show-case-presentation Jacques Slegers, a choice: monumental
assignments ever since 1960 at the Dienst M.C.Z. Eindhoven
2000 - 2005:
2003 - Museum Kempenland of Eindhoven
2004 - Gallery de Steenlinde of Soest
2004 - Gallery Holtrop of Tilburg
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EXHIBITIONS among others
1957 - 1988
- De Krabbedans of Eindhoven (opened by Theo van Eupen)
- National Higher Institute of Antwerp
- Brabants Edelambacht of Tilburg
- Municipal hall of Tilburg
- Museum Huis van Looy of Haarlem
- Museum De Lakenhal of Leiden
- Municipal Museum De Prinsentuin of Leeuwarden
- Het Waaggebouw of Nijmegen
- Gallery Pijnenborg of Eindhoven
- Municipal hall of Eersel
- Municipal hall of Heeze (organised by Domien van Gent, in
cooperation with,
among others, Johan Lennarts, Jaak Frenken en
Ad Snijders)
- Gallery De Sfinx of Amsterdam
- Municipal Van Abbemuseum of Eindhoven
- De Beijerd of Breda
- Gallery 't Pumpke of Oisterwijk (opened by Jan Gregoor)
- Academisch Genootschap of Eindhoven (in cooperation with
Jan Gregoor
and Albert Rene Jansen)
- Municipal Museum Het Begijnenhof of Hasselt, Belgium
- Gallery Raeber of Luzern, Switzerland (with Poliakoff, Afro,
Santomasso, Arp)
- Gallery Heins of Groningen (in cooperation with, among others,
Ad Snijders,
Ad Willemen, Werner Moonen)
- Gallery Nemelaer of Haaren (in cooperation with, among others,
Gustave Asselbergs, Jaak Frenken, Werner Moonen,
Jo Birker, Lies Jansen)
- Technische Hogeschool of Eindhoven
- Brabantse Kunst Foundation of Tilburg
- Kasteel Heeze of Heeze
- Provincial Museum of Den Bosch
- Gallery De Berenkuil of Bussum
- Concertgebouw of Amsterdam (opened by Pierre Jansen)
- Gallery Slegers of Eindhoven (in cooperation with Wessel
Wijnand van Lieshout, Jan Dibbets, Leo Dooper,
Hans Dannacher, R. Kienholz,
Kees Verwey, Edgardo Rattie, Claude Magelhaes)
- Art-trader Troutsaerte of Westdorpe, Zeeland (in cooperation
with, among others,
Nico Molenkamp, Ger Lataster, Paul Citroen, Jaap
van de Pol)
- Het Glazen Huis of Amsterdam (Amstelpark) (in cooperation
with Marte R'ling,
Ans Wortel, Jan van Goethem, Jef Diederen, Karel
Appel, Frans Jacobs)
- Gallery Den Oyenvaer of Oirschot (in cooperation with, among
Ruud Peeters, Joost Sicking)
- POC Eindhoven
- Gallery Schoots of Eindhoven
- Gallery of the Cosa-Foundation of Delt (in cooperation with,
among others,
Gerard van Iersel, Piet Warffemius, Marijke van
Epen, Antoine Mes)
- Gallery Lebro of Oirschot (organised by Mr. Cees van Leuven)
(in cooperation with,
among others, Wijnand van Lieshout and Toon Slegers)
- Paleis voor Schoone Kunsten of Brussels (Gallery Wanda Reiffí
in cooperation with,
among others, Pieter Defesche, Pierre van Soest,
Toon Teeken)
- Gallery Hustege of Den Bosch (in cooperation with, among
others, Jan Dijker and
Nico Molenkamp)
- Nieuwe Brabantse Kunst-Foundation of Oirschot (with the
painters-collective AAP:
Jan v.d. Berg, Frank v.d. Heuvel and Guus Koenraads)
- Gallery Pennings of Eindhoven (with AAP) (opened by Mr.
Gilles Borrie Ph.D)
- Jan Cunen-centre of Oss (opened by Jean Leering)
- The Kempenland Museum of Eindhoven (opened by Joke Valentijn)
- Municipal Museum De Pronkkamer of Uden
- Municipal Museum Int Heyderadey of Roosendaal (in cooperation
with Jan Dijker,
Gerard Hendriks, Peter J. Voormeij and Thomas
v.d. Linden)
- Brabant Hallen of Den Bosch (organised by Kunst en Werkomgeving
Den Bosch)
- Municipal Museum of Woerden (with AAP) (opened by Simon
- Art-demonstration Firmament 88 in Den Bosch (in cooperation
with, among others,
Jan Dijker, Nico Molenkamp, Gert-Jan van Maanen)
- Municipal Museum De Tiendschuur of Weert (with AAP)
- Gallery Het Weefhuis of Nuenen (in cooperation with, among
others, Fons
Bemelemans, Ru van Rossum, Robert Terwindt, Henk
Visch, Hans van Eerd)
- Municipal Museum of Arnhem (in cooperation with, among others,
Geurt van Dijk,
Mark Brusse, Klaas Gubbels, Marlene Dumas, Marten
Hendriks, Maarten Beks,
Ad Gerritsen) (organised by Adriano Berengo,
- De Bergruimte of Eindhoven (in cooperation with Mark Brusse
and Herman Gordijn)
- Gallery Gijzenrooy of Geldrop
- The Hommage a Vincent-tour with AAP, Perspekt Studios and
the actor Jo Decaluwe
- Zuid-Nederlandse Ontmoetingen-Foundation: Hogeschool van
Eindhoven and
MunicipalTheatre of Eindhoven (intermezzo by
Hans Dorresteijn)
- Cultural Centre of Heusden/Zolder, Belgium,
- Notre Dame des Arts in Ubbergen
- Municipal Museum of Hasselt, Belgium
- Meetingcentre of Harelbeke, Belgium, De Flint of Amersfoort
- The Hommage a Pasolini-tour, Italy (organised by Adriano
- Gallery De Pook of Hengelo (in cooperation with, among others,
Jan Dijker, Robert
Terwindt, Wim Rijvers, Nico Molenkamp, Wim van
- De Krabbedans of Eindhoven (with AAP) (musical intermezzo
by Ad Pijnenburg)
- Hogeschool van Eindhoven (in cooperation with Hugo Claus,
Jan Gregoor and
Hans-Joachim Schroter)
- Gallery Gouda of Gouda (in cooperation with Hugo Claus,
Jan Gregoor and
Hans-Joachim Schroter) (opened by Simon Vinkenoog)
- Allersmaborg, Ezinge, Groningen (stay and exhibition with
- Pictura of Dordrecht (opened by Frank Eerhard)
- N.B.K.S. of Breda (Het Verloren Plein)
- Nagoya (Japan) (with AAP)
- Aichi (Japan) (with AAP)
- The R.T. Road Gallery of Toyohasi (Japan) (in cooperation
with Koji Ogura)
N.B.K.S Breda (opened by Rob Schoonen)
- De Fabriek of Eindhoven
- The Kempenland Museum of Eindhoven
- Cultural Events Group of Schijndel
- The Kempenland Museum of Eindhoven (in cooperation with,
among others,
Willem Adams, Frans Clement)
- Ann's Art Gallery of Groningen
- Fontys Hogescholen of Eindhoven (in cooperation with Josje
Manden and Ruud Bakker)
- Zuider Terras Antwerpen: Second Movement Heuvelplein Eindhoven
(opened by Mr. J. Liebens Ph.D.)
- The Amsterdam RAI (organised by Studio Flos)
- Peninsula Eindhoven, Wintersalon
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- In the hall of the Wethouder van Eupen-school
of Eindhoven
- At the fence of the Bank Mees en Hope of Eindhoven
- In the head-office of the N.C.B. of Tilburg, approx. 30
- In the head-office of the ABN/AMRO-Bank of Eindhoven
- In the patio of Gilze's primary school
- In the Institute for Mentally Handicapped De Donksbergen
of Duizel
- In Rijen's nursery and primary school De Spie
- In Eindhoven's primary school De Groote Beek
- In the municipal hall of Halsteren
- In the head-office of The RABO-Bank-Noord of Eindhoven
- In comprehensive school De Ruyvert of Oss (in cooperation
with Jan Dijker)
- In Het Areven of Eersel
- In Sporting Club Den Ekkerman of Veldhoven
- In the entrance-hall of Amsterdam's
Central Station
- In the governmental police-station of St. Michielsgestel
- In the hal ot the governmental police-station of St. Willebrord
- In the governmental police-station of Mil
- In the entrance-hall of the governmental police-station
of Budel
- In the facade of The van den Bosch-Concern of Someren
- In Stiphout's primary school
- In the recreation-room of Zevenbergen's nursing-home
- In the entrance-hall of Bladel's Municipal hall
- In Eindhoven's community centre De Tempel
- In the railway station of Oss
- In Peijnenburg Koekfabriek
- In the Mandarin Hotel of Eindhoven (opened by Prince Bernhard)
- In De Heuvelgalerie of Eindhoven
- In Eindhoven's P.S.V.-Stadium
- At Oirschot's Home for the Elderly
- At Hoogeloon's primary school
- At Budel's primary school
- At Bakel's primary school
- At two of Valkenswaard's primary schools
- At Oisterwijk's primary school
- At Someren's primary school St. Franciscus
- At Sterksel's nursery school
- At Veldhoven's nursery and primary school De Ganzespoel
- At The Municipal Technical School of
- At Boxtel's Grammar School
- In the patio of Nuenen's Christian Primary School
- At the Technical School for Girls of Eindhoven
- At nursery schools of Eindhoven, Hoogeloon, Rijen and Nuenen
- At primary schools of Eindhoven and Tilburg
- At a B.L.O.-School of Veldhoven
- At Rijen's nursery and primary school De Spie
- At Eindhoven's School for the Hearing-impaired
- In the The Princess Margriet Hall of
Sporting Club Rijen
- In the municipal hall of Oss
- In the municipal hall of Weert
- In Mr. de Brabander's staircase in Eindhoven
- In The Brothers of Tilburg-Chapel
- In the computercentre of CIOB Eindhoven
- In the entrance-hall of Veghel's Mars Chocoladefabrieken
- In the head-office of PHILIPS/Usfa of Eindhoven
- In the head-office of Waterleidingsmaatschappij Oost-Brabant
of Den Bosch
- In the auditiorum of Havo Hoge Vught of Breda
- In the facade of Hoying of Eindhoven
- In the Streekschool voor Detailhandel of Bergen op Zoom
- In Hoogeveen - van Luyt of Eindhoven
- In the entrance-hall of the School voor Konsumptieve Beroepen
of Eindhoven
- In Eindhoven's community centre of Vaartbroek
- In the Ondernemingscollege of Amsterdam
- In Hillegom's Kerkelijk Centrum
- In the municipal police-station of Uden (in cooperation
with Jan Dijker)
- In Oss's Municipal Theatre De Lievenkamp
- In the Chapel of Oirschot
- In Eindhoven's primary school De Beemden
- In Asten's municipal hall
- In Bergeijk's municipal hall
- In Heemstede's Kerkelijk Centrum
- In Heemstedes mortuary of Huize Bosbeek
- In Bakel's nursing-home St. Jozefheil
- Designed the Amsterdam Central Station's
- Designed the flooring of an outer stage at Asten's municipal
- A tapestry in Oirschot's primary school's entrance-hall
- A tapestry in the head-office of Nebato of Bergeijk
- A rug in Asten's municipal hall
- A series of graphic sheets in Duizel's Home for Mentally
Handicapped De Donksbergen
- A silk-screen print by order of P.R. Bureau Nooteboom of
Vught (200 copies)
- A fountain at Eindhoven's Heuvelgalerie
- A silk-screen print by order of the Municipal of Veldhoven
(250 copies)
- Designed the logo of Veldhoven's Den Ekkerman
- Designed a tomb-stone (Lieve Bolling) Breda
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WORK among others
Rijkscollectie Den Haag The Hague;
Municipal of Eindhoven; Municipal of Breda; Municipal of Sittard;
Municipal of Weert; Municipal of Oisterwijk; Municipal of
Salzburg Auatria; Philips Nederland; Mr. H. Tenkink's Heirs
Amsterdam; Avenarius Eindhoven; RABO-Bank Amsterdam; RABO-Bank
Eindhoven; ABN-AMRO-Bank Amsterdam; Thompson USA; Hyland USA;
Adler USA; Eugene Martini Paris France; Winkler Austria; Marchy
Switzerland; Belgische Staat Brussels; The Consulate of Kobe
(Witkam) Japan; Provincie Noord-Brabant; Hogeschool Eindhoven;
Bouwbedrijf Van Eykelenburg Rosmalen; Slaats Groep Eindhoven;
AEK Eindhoven; Hans Schroter Eindhoven; Geerts Huisotheek
Eindhoven; Selma Forottie Deurne; Mr. Aukes; Urias Nooteboom
Vught; G. Craenen Soest; Boenders Tilburg; Mr. H. de Ruyter
Breda; Mr. Roeffen Son; K. v.d. Laarschot Eindhoven; Albert
Heijn & Zn Amsterdam; Marc Gabriels Veldhoven; Van Doremalen
Eindhoven; Verberne Heeze; Wil Teeuwen Eindhoven; J. van Eyndhoven
Eindhoven; V. Witte-Boersma Amsterdam; Joop Heezemans Eindhoven;
L. Maassen Geldrop; B. Flint-Delhaise Brussels; Mr. Bleys
Amsterdam; H. Kerkhof Geldrop; Mars Fabrieken Veghel; P.S.V.
Stadion Eindhoven; Louis van Gasteren Amsterdam; N. Covalenco
Geldrop; J. van Antwerpen Waalre; Kloos Waalre; Elina-Shigeru
Toyohashi Japan; J. Kockelkoren Maastricht; Wanda Reiff Amsterdam;
A. Eikemans Geldrop; Jos Liebens Mierlo; N. Molenkamp Tilburg;
H. de Wit St. Oedenrode; P. Kilsdonk Amsterdam; J. Bakker
Meppel Belgie; Schoonderbeek Eindhoven; Gerard Roovers Waalre;
P.C. Slaats Eindhoven; Theo and Agniet van Eijndhoven Eindhoven;
The Kempenland Museum of Eindhoven; I. Witkam Brussels Belgium;
Mr. C. van Leuven Breda; J.E. Jansen Waalre; Prof. Brinkman
Nijmegen; Fontys Hogescholen Eindhoven.
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