In 1990 Slegers
made a framework for a book about his work. Unfortunately
he has not been able to finish it himself but his
plan has formed the point of departure of this book.
The composition was taken in hand by his partner Josje
Manden and photographer Hans Joachim Schroter. They
were assisted by Slegers’s daughters Saskia
and Sylvia.
The book contains a well-considered selection of Slegers’s
free work, an essay in which Maarten Beks describes
in an inimitable way the long-lasting friendship he
had with the artist and a chronological outline of
Slegers’s activities, exhibitions and presentations.
The publication has been effected by contributions
of: the municipal of Eindhoven, the C. van Renessefund
F. van Walsemfund, Rabobank Eindhoven, the VSB-Fund,
Djax Records B.V. and the Prins Bernhard Culturefund
of Noord Brabant.
H.J. Schröter, Eindhoven
ISBN 90-805027-2-3
Technical information:
Size 20 x 20cm (8” x 8”), 40 figures in full
colour, 20 figures in black/white.
500 copies softcover at 28 Euro each (excl. p & p)
100 copies hardcover at 35 Euro each (excl. p & p)
To order this book:
mail to: info@jacquesslegers.nl